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The Sarajevo Spartans finished up their second contest of the season facing the Kraljevo Royal Crowns playing away in Serbia. Early on in the game it appeared that The Royal Crowns were going to defeat the Spartans easily. Kraljevo scored a touchdown on their first two possessions and went into halftime with a lead of 13 to 0.
But the Spartans started the second half on the offensive and immediately scored a touchdown with a power run from Nermin Pašalić. However, the Crowns kept attacking and responded with another touchdown to increase the lead to 20-7. But the Spartans did not give up. Behind a stellar running game they scored a touchdown with 5 minutes left in the game to bring it to 20-14.
The Spartans defence then make a brilliant stand to get the ball back from the Crowns with 2 minutes remaining. The Spartans were able to move the ball down the field and with 25 seconds left on the clock QB Jasmin Salihović threw a 30 yard strike to Damjan Ilić for a touchdown that sealed the second victory in a row for the Spartans.
Sarajevo Spartansi su završili svoju drugu utakmicu sezone Gostujući u Kraljevu protiv ekipe Royal Crowns. Na početku utakmice izgledalo je kao da će Royal Crowns lako poraziti Spartanse. Kraljevo je postiglo touchdown u svojim prvim posjedima lopte i otišlo na poluvrijeme s vodstvom od 13 prema 0.
Ali Spartansi su započeli drugo poluvrijeme ofanzivno i odmah postigli touchdown snažnim trkom Nermina Pašalića. Međutim, Crowns su nastavili s napadom i odgovorili još jednim touchdownom, povećavši vodstvo na 20 prema 7. Ali Spartansi nisu odustali. Iza sjajne igre trčanjem, postigli su touchdown 5 minuta prije kraja utakmice smanjujući rezultat na 20 prema 14.
Odbrana Spartanasa je zatim briljantno odigrala kako bi vratila loptu od Crowns s 2 minute preostale do kraja. Spartansi su uspjeli pomjeriti loptu niz teren, a 25 sekundi prije kraja QB Jasmin Salihović je bacio 30-jardni pas Damjanu Iliću za touchdown koji je zapečatio drugu pobjedu zaredom za Spartanse.
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