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At 17h in Sofia Bulgaria the Sarajevo Spartans visited the Sofia Bears for the first game of the Balkan Football Season. The Spartans started out the game with several mistakes which the Bears took advantage of. After the first quarter the Bears led 13 to 0.
But the Spartans never stopped. Lead by a great connection between quarterback Jasmin Salihović and tight end Tony Gotovac, the Spartans dominated the second quarter and went into halftime leading 14 to 13.
From there the Spartans never gave the Bears a chance to regroup. They held the lead for the entire second half. The Spartans controlled the ball using running backs Semir Čaplja and Nermin Pašalić, and a dominating offensive line performance. Jasmin Salihović put the nail in the coffin of the Bears with a field goal with four minutes left in the game. The Spartans begin the BFL campaign 1 and 0.
U 17 sati u Sofiji, Bugarska, Sarajevo Spartansi su posjetili Sofia Bearse za prvu utakmicu Balkanske fudbalske lige. Spartansi su započeli utakmicu s nekoliko grešaka koje su Bearsi iskoristili. Nakon prve četvrtine, Bearsi su vodili 13 prema 0.
Ali Spartansi nikada nisu odustali. Vođeni sjajnom povezanošću između quarterbacka Jasmina Salihovića i tight enda Tonyja Gotovca, Spartansi su dominirali drugom četvrtinom i otišli na poluvrijeme vodeći 14 prema 13.
Od tada, Spartansi nisu dali Bearsim priliku da se povrate. Držali su vodstvo cijelo drugo poluvrijeme. Spartansi su kontrolirali loptu koristeći running backove Semira Čaplju i Nermina Pašalića, uz dominirajući nastup ofanzivne linije. Jasmin Salihović je zapečatio sudbinu Bearsa golom iz igre četiri minute prije kraja utakmice. Spartansi započinju BFL kampanju sa 1 i 0.
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