Thanks for your message!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
We had practice December 10th at the indoor balloon at Zetra. Team worked on our quick passing game and blocking.
Our young receivers Malek, Hassan and Belmin showed aggressiveness in their blocking drills which we hope to transfer to the game field.
Our goal is little things done consistently with great effort every practice.
Održali smo trening 10. decembra u zatvorenom balonu na Zetri. Tim je radio na brzoj igri dodavanja i na blokiranju.
Naši mladi hvatači Malek, Hassan i Belmin pokazali su agresivnost u vježbama blokiranja, te se nadamo da će to uspiješno prenijeti na teren tokom igre.
Naš cilj je da se male stvari rade dosljedno s velikim naporom svakog treninga.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.